Challenges, Photography
Comments 25

Crochet Heritage

(my mother’s handmade lace doilies)

These are from my crochet heritage, in perfect condition and so lovely  🙂



  1. I love things like this! I have pillow cases that my grandmother embroidered/crocheted and I have some the I got at vintage stores. So lovely and with so much history.



  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Heritage – WoollyMuses

  3. Pingback: Heritage: Old Mill Leiden | What's (in) the picture?

  4. I have crocheted handkerchief edgings, pillow cases and so forth, inherited from my great aunt. I should showcase these pieces of family heritage as you have yours.


  5. I used to crochet matinee coats for babies. Not at all fashionable these days, but I still like to see crochet work around 🙂


  6. SunDust says

    I learned crochet long back with the help of YouTube. No one in my family crocheted except for my Aunt. I always felt like​ her crocheted pieces were more detailed and neat. The work was more precise. I really like vintage crocheted items. They give a completely different feel. 💜


  7. bettymariex says

    Beautiful piece of crochet. Not had chance to read your blog properly yet but I’m following so I’ll come back.


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