1. Pingback: Muse | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  2. Pingback: Muse : The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge - Sylvain LANDRY

  3. Pingback: Thrift Story Candy | litadoolan

  4. I’m clicking through entries quickly, but this shot really captured my attention. I even scrolled back up a couple of times when I was trying to make my way down here to where I could comment. It’s just perfectly sharp and beautifully composed.


    • To my great surprise! Thank you very much for your attention and your kind comment; and for letting me know that my post pingback show up. 🙂
      (My blog was with pingback problem)

      What a wonderful collection of pictures your post.


  5. Pingback: The pond is a muse that saved my sanity. | Renae Rude - The Paranormalist

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